Quasisp's Snorks
Gallery -- Page 2
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Here's a rare item...a trio of Snorks erasers...

This rare item is a Snorks car...with Allstar at the wheel and Occy tagging along! :-) And next to this are Allstar, Casey, and Tooter in their very own Snork vehicles! Not to be outdone is this item, courtesy of Smurfoli, where the Snorks are riding on vehicles disguised as seahorses! Also, for all the auto racing fans, here are three of the Snorks characters driving stock cars! And finally, here is a unique discovery, a close up of two of the Snorks Characters driving their own Snorks vehicles in protective cases!

Here is a rare Snorks item, a Snorks rubber stamp kit... and next to it, a rare item -- Snorks Puffy Stickers! And along the lines of rare items is this -- Snorks stickers that can be self colored!

These rares items are Snorks transistor radios. Whether your music tastes are Lite Rock, R & B, Smooth Jazz, Country, or even if you're an oldies fan like I am (my favorite range is 1960-1993) the Snorks can make the music you enjoy even more enjoyable! :-) And, equally as rare is this rare find, two Snorks alarm clocks!

Remember the Snorks in the Ice Capades programs of 1984 and 1985? The picture at left captures the best moments of those days as a Snorks Pennant! Also, here's a rare look at all of the Snorks characters that appeared in the program with the picture at the right...

Sooooooo cute and incredibly huggable! Anyone who remembers these plushy Snorks and Occy can tell you that they are indeed lovable...trust me, they are!

Remember the Snorks as PVC figurines? This picture shows you most of the figurines of the Snorks that were produced in the 1980s...

Remember the Snorks board game from 1984? Here is a snapshot of it...

Here are a few things you don't see much anymore...an Allstar Climbing Hanger and a necklace with Daffney. The reason Daffney is seen with a comb and mirror is self-explanatory -- as Daffney would put it, "I have to look my best!" And the next picture, a Snorks Mirror, proves Daffney's point!

I never forgot the day I won the Snorks item that generated the top picture that heads each page of this gallery. Here is another item that is reminiscent of that fateful day of 18-Dec 1998, a Snorks sleeping bag...

I don't believe I've seen anything quite like this before! Here is a pull-along toy with Casey playing a xylophone! :-)

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